Ledingham Y-DNA Project

The Ledingham Surname Project was established in January 2012, to create a database of Y-DNA profiles to aid in genealogical research. DNA analysis can assist in supporting or refuting the premise that two or more participants descend from a common ancestor.

The aims of the project are:
– to establish the origins of the Ledingham surname.
– to determine possible relationships between known Ledingham lineages in  Scotland.
– to discover how or if these lines are connected to Ledinghams in other parts of the world.
– to enable Ledinghams unsure of their geographical origin determine to which family group they belong to.
– to help individuals connect beyond the paper trail with their Y-DNA genetic cousins.

To date (June 2019) 17 members have joined the project of which 13 have Y-DNA results.  The present-day location of participants includes Scotland, England, Canada, America, Australia and New Zealand.  All but two of the participants are in Y Haplogroup I-M253 (sub-group I-L338+), while the remaining two are in Y Haplogroup R1b-M269 and a sub-group that has yet to be identified as further testing is required.  Both groups have genealogical origins in Aberdeenshire and, in particular, the parishes of Culsalmond and Rayne.

A comparison of traditional documentary research and DNA results has now successfully addressed several of the aims of the project. However, more has still to be accomplished including establishing the migration routes of the two Ledingham lineages to/from Aberdeenshire and when these events occurred.

A summary of the individual results can be viewed here: https://www.familytreedna.com/public/Ledingham?iframe=ycolorized

[1] Aberdeen, Banf [sic], Murrey [sic] &c. to Inverness : [and] Fra the north water to Ross / Robertus Gordonius a Strathloch describebat 1640. 

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